no more one fashion fits all

building artistic and bold solutions
to your everyday problems
with getting dressed

erica bondarev rapach
founder & lead designer

Erica is a style maximalist on a mission to minimize the friction that can come from having to get dressed every day. As an expert in personal brand, she has both experienced and witnessed how clothing can hinder self-confidence and self-expression and knows the persistent and stubborn challenges facing today’s customers. Caring about what you wear can feel overwhelming when also trying to address issues of environment and ethical labor. Erica is determined to help others leverage their style as a powerful communication tool and catalyst for industry change.

Whether shopping, styling, creating outfits, or assessing fit, Erica knows what it takes to feel good about what she’s wearing. A recovering retail addict, Erica is on a rigorous journey of self-education on sustainable and ethical fashion, building better habits to do what she can to help fix the industry’s flaws. She is in a now more than yearlong process of responsibly decommissioning her wardrobe through proper recycling, upcycling, swapping, reselling, and thrifting. She has personally experienced the time and energy it takes to think about getting dressed differently, but without sacrificing feeling good.

A seasoned executive with 20 years of experience in arts marketing, executive management, and personal styling, Erica’s career successes have stemmed from her innovative and courageous spirit, innate curiosity, collaborative nature, and human-centric approach to work. She is a lifelong learner & mentor, values work in service to the greater good and recognizes the interconnectedness of our global community.

Erica is the mother of two bicultural teenage daughters who are artistic and non-conforming. Her husband is also a fellow creative with the mind of an engineer and a natural ability to imagine and build things. Together they enjoy travel, thrifting, beautifying their home, and spoiling their four-legged family members. She finds focus and tranquility on her yoga mat, a moving meditation that teaches her to slow down. 

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  • creative retail

    creativity is an expression of our culture. we are redefining wardrobe staples with expressive prints, paired powerfully.

  • personal branding

    personal brand is a powerful form of communication that is fun to build and essential to telling your story.

  • made to order

    made to order means no longer having to fit the mold. it’s time for apparel to be custom and the only of its kind.

  • sustainable & ethical

    we care about how our clothes are made. we help decrease fashion’s carbon footprint and value our garment makers.